Autism Runs in My Family I Married My First Cousin

JAMA. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 Apr 1.

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PMCID: PMC4381277



Sven Sandin, MSc,1, 2 Paul Lichtenstein, PhD,1 Ralf Kuja-Halkola, MSc,1 Henrik Larsson, PhD,ane Christina M Hultman, PhD,1 and Abraham Reichenberg, PhD3, 4

Sven Sandin

iSection of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

iiDepartment of Psychosis Studies, Institute of Psychiatry, Male monarch'southward College London, U.k.

Paul Lichtenstein

1Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Ralf Kuja-Halkola

1Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Henrik Larsson

oneDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Christina 1000 Hultman

1Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Abraham Reichenberg

3Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Schoolhouse of Medicine, New York, NY, United states of america

4Department of Preventive Medicine, Mountain Sinai Schoolhouse of Medicine, New York, NY, U.s.

Supplementary Materials

Appendix A & B: eTable 1. ASD. Tetrachoric correlations (SD). Correlations of ASD diagnosis (yeah/no) betwixt sibling pairs in the different family unit relations.

eTable 2. AD. Tetrachoric correlations (SD). Correlations of AD diagnosis (yes/no) betwixt sibling pairs in the dissimilar family relations.

eTable iii. Crude (no aligning for misreckoning) recurrence take chances (RR) and 2-sided 95% confidence intervals

eTable iv. Codes by the International used for the psychiatric history

eTable five. Sensitivity assay. Relative recurrence risk (RR) for ASD and 2-sided 95% confidence intervals (CI) by family unit size. Total siblings only.

eTable 6. Person years and rate (cases per 100,000 person years) for ASD amongst MZ and DZ twins, total siblings and maternal- and paternal- half siblings and cousins and in sub-groups of birth yr (1982–86, 87–91, 92–96, 97–2001–86, 87–91, 92–96, 97–2002–06) and gender among full siblings.

eTable vii. Person years and rate (cases per 100,000 person years) for Autistic Disorder (Advert) among MZ and DZ twins, full siblings and maternal- and paternal- one-half siblings and cousins and in sub-groups of nascence year (1982–86, 87–91, 92–96, 97–2001–86, 87–91, 92–96, 97–2002–06) and gender among total siblings.

GUID: B897FDC1-BD56-4E66-A1D3-45CF92A2C5C7



Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) aggregates in families, but the individual adventure and to what extent this is caused by genetic factors, or shared or non-shared environment remains unresolved.


To provide estimates of familial aggregation of ASD.

Pattern, Setting and Participants

A population based accomplice of all Swedish children born 1982–2007. We identified all twins, full siblings, maternal and paternal half siblings and cousin pairs and all diagnosis of ASD to 31-December-2009.

Main Event Measure(southward)

The relative recurrence risk (RR) measure familial aggregation of illness. The RR is the relative adventure of autism in an participant given a sibling or cousin has the diagnosis, compared with the risk in a participant with no diseased family member. We calculated RR for both ASD and Autistic Disorder (AD). We estimated how much of the probability of developing ASD tin can exist related to genetic (additive and authorisation) and environmental (shared and non-shared) factors.


In the sample of 2,049,899 children, xiv,516 obtained an ASD diagnosis of which five,689 were Advertizing. The ASD RR was estimated to 153.0 (95%CI–412.8; 27 vs vi,273 per 100,000 person-years) for monozygotic twins, 8.two (95%CI–18.1; 55 vs 805 per 100,000 person-years) for dizygotic twins, 10.3 (95%CI nine.4–11.2; 49 vs 829 per 100,000 person-years) for full-siblings, three.iii (95%CI 2.6–4.2; 94 vs 492 per 100,000 person-years) for maternal one-half siblings, 2.9 (95%CI: 2.two–; 85 vs 371 per 100,000 person-years) for paternal half siblings, and 2.0 (95%CI: 1.8–2.two; 49 vs 155 per 100,000 person-years) for cousins. The RR pattern was similar for Advertisement only of slightly higher magnitude. We found support for a disease etiology including only condiment genetic and non-shared ecology effects. The ASD heritability was estimated to 0.fifty (95%CI 0.44–0.55) and the AD heritability was estimated to 0.54 (95%CI 0.44–0.64).

Conclusion and Relevance

Amidst children built-in in Sweden, heritability of ASD and Ad were estimated to be approximately fifty%. For an individual, the adventure of autism is increased 10 fold if a full sibling has the diagnosis and about two fold if a cousin has the diagnosis. These findings may inform counseling families with affected children.


Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is affecting almost 1% of the population, and defined by impairments in social interaction and communication and the presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. Autistic disorder (AD) is most profound grade of ASDone.

Family studies constitute that ASD aggregates in families and early twin studies estimated the proportion of the phenotype variance due to genetic factors (the heritability), to be about 90%two–vi, making it the most heritable of all developmental disorders. As a outcome, etiological enquiry in ASD, focus predominantly on genetic factors7. While recent twin studies support high heritability5,6 a big twin written reportvii indicated substantial part for shared environmental influences. Results of family studies also raise questions about the relative influence of genetic factors8 and contribute to doubt regarding the etiology of ASD.

Furthermore, previous studies have limitations. Twin studies oft having only modest samples limiting the reliability when studying rare diseases such equally ASD. None of the previous studies represent a prospective population based random sample which raises concerns for potential biases introduced past population option. Restricted follow up time, and possible differences in etiology for different ASD subtypes may also limit reliability.

Also while heritability estimates provide a valuable metric for the effects of genetic factors in the population, they exercise not provide any information on individual risk. Detailed etiological models will require bookkeeping for chance on a population level, likewise equally providing quantitative data in a given individual, thus assuasive for individualized disease prevention and treatment9. Recurrence risk express the take a chance of even so some other affected family unit fellow member in an already affected family. The relative recurrence risk measure this recurrence in relation to disease in families non yet affected simply can be interpreted and compared between groups which may differ in disease prevalence. Consequently, there is a need for reliable estimates of heritability for ASD, also as combine these population-based estimates with private-level risk estimates providing a more precise and consummate pic of the etiology of ASD.

To that goal we conducted a longitudinal cohort study of all births in Sweden between 1982 and 2007. Using all pairs of monozygote (MZ) and dizygote (DZ) twins, full siblings, half siblings and cousin pairs in the population we determined the family unit clustering of ASD by estimating relative recurrence chance (RR) within families, and assessed the importance of genetic vs. environmental factors associated with ASD.


Written report Population

A birth-cohort of all children built-in alive in Sweden Jan 1, 1982 to Dec 31, 2006 was established using data from Swedish national registers including the Medical Nativity Register10, Multi Generation Registerxi, Patient Register12–xiv, Twin register15 and Statistics Sweden registers for vital statistics. Single-child families were excluded from the accomplice. Twin zygosity was obtained from the Twin Registry, and was adamant by DNA analysis in 86% of aforementioned-sex twins. For the remainder, an algorithm based on five parent-reported items assessing twin similarity, was used. The Swedish Multi Generation register contain identifiers for the parents of all children born 1932 and onwards. This allowed u.s.a. to determine family relations; full- and maternal and paternal half-siblings and cousins using the unique identifiers of the parents and 1000 fathers of all Swedish children born 1982 through 2006. Cousins were derived between total siblings only. Further details in online appendix A. The study was approved by the ethics committee at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Informed consent was waived by the ethics committee. Data are collected routinely by Swedish government agencies and were merged and anonymized past an independent regime agency (Statistics Sweden), and the code linking the personal identification numbers to the new case numbers was destroyed immediately afterwards merging. Therefore, informed consent was not required.

Ascertainment of autism and psychiatric diagnosis

In Sweden all infants and preschool children regularly undergo routine medical and developmental examinations. At age 4 a mandatory developmental assessment (motor, linguistic communication, cerebral and social evolution) is conducted. Children with suspected developmental disorders are referred for further assessment by a specialized team in a kid psychiatry unit of measurement or habilitation service. Diagnostic data is reported to the Patient Register. The register has nearly consummate national coverage12 of psychiatric diagnoses since 1973. With a rare disease the sensitivity is a smaller trouble than the specificity of the diagnostic codes. For this we rely on previous validation studies of psychiatric codes generally12,14 and for autism specifically16. With prospective follow-up until 31 Dec 2009. Autistic disorder (AD) was divers past codes from the "International Classification of Diseases", version 9 (ICD-9) 299. A/B/10 and version 10 (ICD-10) F84.0 while ASD likewise included ICD-10 (Atypical autism), F84.5 (Asperger'southward syndrome), F84.8 (Other pervasive developmental disorders) and F84.9 (Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified).


Nosotros considered several factors that might confound or modify the familial associations. Parental psychiatric history has been associated with autism in the offspring. Parental psychiatric history was classified as present/not-present for each parent separately using any psychiatric diagnosis at any time before the nascency of the oldest kid in a siblings or cousins pair using ICD 7th–tenth revisions (eTable 4). Nosotros also obtained information on paternal and maternal age at nativity of the kid, birth year and sex.

Statistical methods

Relative recurrence risk

The RR for siblings is the take chances of autism diagnosis in a sibling of an autistic kid compared with a sibling to a non-autistic child. We calculated RR in families of different genetic relatedness; total-siblings, maternal and paternal half-siblings and cousins. Cousin-pairs were defined as accomplice members having the same grandparents, simply no parents in common. To let a direct comparison between cousin RR and sibling RR we did not consider cousins betwixt single-kid-families.

We estimated the RR for ASD by Cox proportional hazards regression using the sibling attained age equally underlying time scale17. Each individual in a sibling or cousin pair was entered into the cohort and followed for a diagnosis of autism starting from the age of 1 or from 1 January 1987, which e'er came last. Each sibling/cousin was then followed to his first autism diagnosis, death, emigration or death or emigration of his non-autistic sibling or 31 December 2009, whichever came first. The exposure (autistic or non-autistic sibling) was treated as a time-varying covariate in the models. Each sibling in a family typically contribute to the calculations in two ways: as an exposed sibling and every bit a proband per pair. A sibling may too occur in more than 1 pair. Consequently we used robust standard errors to account for the dependence between (pairs of) individuals in a family18. Further details of the RR calculations is given in online appendix A.

For descriptive purposes we calculated the cumulative probability of ASD up to the age of 20 years (i.east. the prevalence) using the Cox regression. For the calculation of RR the Cox regression makes an implicit supposition of hazards ratios constant across time (historic period of the sibling). Nosotros verified the validity of this assumption by plotting the Schoenfeld residuals19.

A change in RR for later birth cohorts may be due to truncation of follow-up time or due to changes in incidence. The children born 1982 are followed for 28 years while the children born 2006 are only followed for iii years. In the Cox model this could prove up every bit a violation of the proportional hazards assumption which we tested for. To address this further we calculated the RR past birth cohorts using all available follow-upward time.

The RR was calculated separately for monozygotic and dizygotic twins, full siblings, maternal and paternal half siblings as well every bit for cousins. We excluded twins from the sibling analyzes. Nosotros considered several factors that might derange the RR including parental psychiatric history, parental age, birth year and sex activity of the exposing sibling. As parental psychiatric history and parental age may be on a causal path between familial risk and adverse developmental consequence we fitted models adjusting for confounding with and without these covariates. We treated the covariates categorically equally sex activity of the exposed sibling and of the proband, birth cohort (1982–86, 1987–91, 1992–96, 1997–2001, 2002–06), maternal age (≤35 years, >35 years) and paternal age (≤40 years, >xl years) of the exposed sibling, and paternal and maternal psychiatric history (yes/no) at birth of the oldest sibling.


Autism diagnosis is a dichotomy (aye/no). By assuming a continuous unremarkably distributed trait is underlying the observed autism diagnosis the correlation of autism diagnosis betwixt family members can exist estimated. These are called tetrachoric correlations and are frequently calculated in family unit and twin studies to obtain approximate judge of the genetic and non-genetic influences. Next we fitted liability-threshold modelsxx(pp43–77) pp43–77. using MZ- and DZ twins, full siblings and paternal and maternal half siblings and cousins to decompose the variance in liability into a gene for additive genetic effect reflecting inherited additive effects of different alleles, non-condiment genetic factors reflecting interaction effects between alleles at the same gene locus, shared ecology factors reflecting non-genetic influences that contribute to similarity within pairs of siblings and non-shared environmental factors reflecting experiences that make sibling pairs different. From each family one sibling pair was randomly included in the calculations.

Using likelihood ratio tests nosotros compared the total model versus different smaller sub-models obtained past dropping both or merely one of the 4 genetic and environment parameters in gild to explain the observed data and pattern of variance using as few parameters as possible. The proportion of the ASD liability contributed past genetic factors, the heritability, was then calculated every bit the variance associated with the genetic term(south) divided with the total variance. Details of the models are presented in online appendix Ten.

All calculations were done for ASD and AD separately. All tests of statistical hypothesis were done on the 2-sided 5% level of significance. We used SAS software version ix.3 and the R software version 2.fifteen.2 (Linux 64-chip package 'survival' for Cox regression; package 'OpenMx' version one.three.1–217922 for heritability).

Finally we as well performed a few sensitivity analyses. We calculated ASD RR adjusting for 1-year nascence cohorts using natural splines. To claiming that the ASD RR were dependent on family unit size, due to stoppage or fertility related, we calculated the total siblings RR in sub-groups of family size (eTable five).


The cohort included a total of ii,049,973 unique siblings/cousins; 2,642,064 total sibling pairs, 432,281 maternal one-half sibling pairs, 445,531 paternal half sibling pairs and 37,570 twins and 5,799,875 cousin pairs. Nosotros found 14,516 cases of ASD of which 5,689 (39%) had a diagnosis of Advertisement (Table 1). The male/female sex ratio was two.7 for ASD cases and 2.4 for AD cases.

Tabular array 1

Confounder and baseline characteristics across sibling relations; the study participant and his exposing proband. Count, pct, median and percentiles of the participants.

Variable Full Siblings Maternal One-half Siblings Paternal Half Siblings Cousins DZ Twins MZ Twins
Participants 1,788,009 288,671 286,705 1,241,166 29,032 8,338
Participant Pairs (discordant) 2,641,822 (34,465) 432,114 (8,896) 445,335 (viii,179) v,798,842 (73,615) 29,424 (411) 8,354 (56)
Boys (%) 51.5% 51.two% 51.1% 51.5% 51.0% 47.2%
ASD cases (%) 12,033 (0.67%) ii,955 (i.02%) ii,538 (0.89%) eight,073 (0.65%) 215 (0.74%) 41 (0.49%)
Advert cases (%) 4,762 (0.27%) i,000 (0.35%) 877 (0.31%) 2,996 (0.24%) 97 (0.33%) 21 (0.25%)
Maternal Psych History (%)# 39,233 (2.2%) xviii,419 (half-dozen.4%) 14,475 (5.0%) 25,180 (ii.0%) 908 (3.i%) 196 (2.4%)
Paternal Psych. History (%)# 38,427 (2.ane%) 15,666 (5.iv%) sixteen,137 (5.6%) 23,778 (1.ix%) 792 ( 200 (2.4%)
Maternal age ≥35 (%) 209,941 (xi.vii%) 41,019 (xiv.2%) 37,624 (13.ane%) 132,881 (10.7%) 1,216 ( vi,590 (
Paternal age ≥35 (% 149,650 (8.3%) 26,685 (9.2%) twoscore,900 (xiv.3%) 79,668 (6.4%) 776 (9.iii%) four,020 (13.8%)
Nascence Twelvemonth, Median (p5-p95) 1993 (1984–2005) 1993 (1983–2005) 1993 (1983–2005) 1993 (1984–2004) 1996 (1983–2005) 1994 (1982–2002)
Age at ASD diagnosis, Median (p5-p95) 13 (4–22) 13 (four–22) 13 (four–23) 13 (4–22) 11 (4–21) 10 ( iv–25)
Person Years, Median (p5- p95) 14 (4–23) 10 (3–20) 10 (3–20) 15 (4–24) 13 (4–25) 14 (vii–26)

For individuals with a sibling with ASD the cumulative probability of an ASD diagnosis at age 20 was estimated to 13% compared with 1.2% for individuals without an ASD sibling (figure 1).

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Age-cumulative probabilities for ASD diagnosis in sibling with and without a sibling with an earlier ASD diagnosis. 95% two-sided point wise confidence bands for exposed siblings.

Dashed line: Cumulative probability of an autism diagnosis up to this age for siblings with a sibling proband with an autism diagnosis. Solid line: Cumulative probability of an autism diagnosis upward to this age for siblings with a sibling proband free from an autism diagnosis.

Relative recurrence take chances

Figure two presents adjusted RR for ASD and associated two-sided 95% confidence intervals for the different degrees of genetic distance between family relatives. The RR remained stable afterwards aligning for sexual practice, parental psychiatric history and parental age. There was some support for confounding attributable to birth cohorts (figure 2, lesser console). When adjusting for five-year birth cohorts, sex, parental age and parental psychiatric history the RR was 153.0 (95%CI 56.7–412.8; 27 vs vi,273 per 100,000 person-years) for monozygotic twins, 8.2 (95%CI iii.7–; 55 vs 805 per 100,000 person-years) for dizygotic twins, ten.three (95%CI 9.4–11.2; 49 vs 829 per 100,000 person-years) for full siblings, iii.3 (95%CI ii.6–iv.ii; 94 vs 492 per 100,000 person-years) for maternal half siblings, ii.nine (95%CI 2.2–3.7; 85 vs 371 per 100,000 person-years) for paternal one-half siblings and two.0 (95%CI ane.viii–2.two; 49 vs 155 per 100,000 person-years) for cousins. For rough RR see eTable iii.

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ASD adjusted relative recurrence risks for full and maternal (MH) and paternal (PH) half siblings, cousins and DZ twins. Betoken estimates and 2-sided 95% confidence intervals. MZ twins not shown.

Male-Female indicate risk in female person exposed to a male relative. The star for MZ twin signal a truncated right confidence also wide to fit the figure. Adjusted: Models adjusting for nascency cohort and sibling and proband sex and paternal and maternal psychiatric history at birth of the kid and older maternal age (≤35, > 35) and older paternal historic period (≤40, > twoscore); MH: Maternal half siblings, PH: Paternal half siblings; Old Pa: Paternal age > xl; Yng Pa: Paternal age ≤twoscore; One-time Ma: Maternal age > 35; Yng Ma: Maternal historic period ≤35; Fa Psych; With a paternal psychiatric history; Fa Psych: With a paternal psychiatric history; With a maternal psychiatric history; Ma Psych: With a maternal psychiatric history; Parental psychiatric history was measured at birth of the kickoff sibling in the family.

RR for Advert are presented in effigy 3. Adjusting for 5-year birth cohorts, sexual activity, parental historic period and parental psychiatric history the RR was 116.eight (95%CI–814.2; 14 vs 4,748 per 100,000 person-years) for monozygotic twins, 16.9 (95%CI v.1–55.7; 25 vs 776 per 100,000 person-years) for dizygotic twins, xiv.half dozen (95%CI 12.5–; 124 vs 486 per 100,000 person-years) for full sibling 4.3 (95%CI 2.v–vii.v; 33 vs 240 per 100,000 person-years) for maternal half siblings, 2.9 (95%CI ane.5–v.9; 31 vs 124 per 100,000 person-years) for paternal half siblings and ii.three (95%CI 1.eight–2.8; eighteen vs 61 per 100,000 person-years) for cousins.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nihms607276f3.jpg

AD adjusted relative recurrence risks for total and maternal (MH) and paternal (PH) half siblings, cousins and DZ twins. Point estimates and two-sided 95% confidence intervals. MZ twins not shown.

Male-Female indicate run a risk in female exposed to a male relative. The star for MZ twin indicate a truncated right confidence too wide to fit the figure. Adjusted: Models adjusting for birth cohort and sibling and proband sex activity and paternal and maternal psychiatric history at birth of the child and older maternal historic period (≤35, > 35) and older paternal age (≤40, > xl); MH: Maternal half siblings, PH: Paternal half siblings; Old Pa: Paternal age > 40; Yng Pa: Paternal age ≤xl; Former Ma: Maternal age > 35; Yng Ma: Maternal historic period ≤35; Fa Psych; With a paternal psychiatric history; Fa Psych: With a paternal psychiatric history; With a maternal psychiatric history; Ma Psych: With a maternal psychiatric history; Parental psychiatric history was measured at birth of the first sibling in the family.

In that location was no statistically significant deviation in RR between male child or girl offspring or in RR from male or female proband (figure 2, figure three). The model goodness-of-fit supported the assumption of hazards beingness proportional over the fourth dimension of follow-upward. For the sensitivity analyzes of ASD RR for full siblings; adjusting for 1-year birth cohorts did not alter the results (RR=9.9 (95%CI nine.0–10.viii) ) and the ASD RR did non modify in sub-groups of family size (online eTable 5).


The unadjusted ASD tetrachoric correlation was estimated to 0.54 (SD=0.twenty) for MZ twins; 0.25 (SD=0.13) for DZ twins; 0.25 (SD=0.02) for full siblings; 0.11 (SD=0.04) for maternal one-half siblings and to 0.07 (SD=0.05) for paternal one-half siblings; (eTable1). The correlations for AD are presented in eTable2. The tetrachoric correlations adjusted for sex and birth cohort were almost identical (eTable1, eTable ii).

The model including additive genetic, shared and non-shared environs parameters was chosen as the total model nether which nested sub-models were tested. The best fitting model was the model just including condiment genetic and non-shared environs parameters (Table two). Using this model the ASD heritability was estimated to 0.50 (95%CI 0.46–0.56) and the non-shared environmental influence was 0.fifty (95%CI 0.44–0.55).

Table 2

ASD and AD Heritability. Model goodness of fit and variance component estimates.

Model comparison measures Estimated variances (two-sided 95% conviction intervals)
Models, terms included #p -2 LL Unequal -2 LL p-value Additive Genetic ("Heritability, narrow sense") Ascendant Genetic Shared environment Non-shared environment Total Genetic ("Broad sense heritability")
ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
Total model xiv 143,910 x ten 0.33 (0.00–0.55) 0.16 (0.00–0.59) 0.05 (0.00–0.17) 0.46 (0.24–0.65) 0.49 (0.21–0.75)
Excluding the dominant genetic term thirteen 143,910 0.41 0.42 (0.19–0.55) 10 0.04 (0.00–0.xv) 0.54 (0.45–0.66) 0.42 (0.19–0.55)
Excluding the shared environment term 13 143,911 0.viii 0.38 0.44 (0.24–0.55) 0.xiii (0.00–0.51) x 0.43 (0.23–0.55) 0.57 (0.45–0.77)
Excluding the condiment genetic term xiii 143,913 3.0 0.08 10 0.45 (0.18–0.71) 0.fourteen (0.07–0.20) 0.41 (0.21–0.62) 0.45 (0.xviii–0.71)
Additive genetic + Non- shared enviroment 12 143,911 1.two 0.55 0.50 (0.450.56) x 10 0.50 (0.440.55) 0.fifty (0.450.56)
Dominant genetic + Not- shared surroundings 12 143,934 23.eight <0.001 x i.00 (i.00–1.00) x 0.00 (0.00–0.00) 1.00 (1.00–i.00)
Shared + not-shared surround term 12 143,923 13.3 0.001 x x 0.24 (0.21–0.26) 0.76 (0.73–0.79) x
Non-shared enviroment term only 11 144,178 268.eight <0.001 x 10 x i.00 (1.00–1.00) x
AD - Autistic Disorder
Full model 14 64,586 x ten 0.49 (0.00–0.64) 0.00 (0.00–0.61) 0.02 (0.00–0.24) 0.48 (0.18–0.72) 0.49 (0.04–0.82)
Excluding the ascendant genetic term 13 64,586 0.0 0.99 0.49 (0.04–0.64) ten 0.03 (0.00–0.24) 0.48 (0.36–0.72) 0.49 (0.04–0.64)
Excluding the shared environs term xiii 64,586 0.ane 0.81 0.54 (0.25–0.64) 0.00 (0.00–0.54) 10 0.46 (0.17–0.56) 0.54 (0.44–0.83)
Excluding the additive genetic term thirteen 64,591 4.v 0.03 x 0.65 (0.00–0.84) 0.11 (0.04–0.30) 0.23 (0.10–0.79) 0.65 (0.00–0.84)
Additive genetic + Non- shared enviroment 12 64,586 0.1 0.97 0.54 (0.440.64) x x 0.46 (0.360.55) 0.54 (0.440.64)
Dominant genetic + Non- shared surround 12 64,646 59.4 <0.001 x ane.00 (one.00–1.00) x 0.00 (0.00–0.00) 1.00 (1.00–one.00)
Shared + non-shared surroundings term 12 64,591 4.7 0.096 10 x 0.26 (0.21–0.31) 0.74 (0.69–0.79) ten
Not-shared enviroment term just 11 64,683 96.viii <0.001 x x x one.00 (1.00–1.00) x

In the full model, also including the shared surround, the variance associated with the shared surroundings was estimated to 0.04 (95%CI 0.00–0.fifteen), not-shared surround to 0.54 (95%CI 0.44–0.66) and heritability to 0.42 (95%CI 0.nineteen–0.55). Using twins simply the heritability was estimated to 0.52.

For AD the model simply including additive genetic and non-shared surround parameters was the all-time fitting model every bit well (Tabular array two) and the Advertising heritability was estimated to 0.54 (95%CI 0.44–0.64).


Including more 1.6 meg families, to the best of our knowledge, this is the largest population based longitudinal study evaluating familial risk of ASD. The RR of ASD increased with increasing genetic relatedness. Genetic and not-genetic influences on the liability for ASD and Advertising were similarly of import. The RR of ASD is 10.3 (95%CI 9.4–eleven.3; 49 vs 829 per 100,000 person-years), 3.3 (95%CI 2.6–4.2; 94 vs 492 per 100,000 person-years), 2.9 (95%CI 2.2–; 85 vs 371 per 100,000 person-years) and ii.0 (95%CI one.8–2.2; 18 vs 61 per 100,000 person-years) for full, maternal and paternal half-siblings and cousins respectively. Heritability of ASD was estimated to 50% (95%CI 46–56), suggesting that genetic factors explain half of the liability for autism. This is considerably lower than the 90% in earlier twin studiestwo–4 and closer to the 38% (14–67) reported in a recent California twin studyvii just estimated with substantially higher precision In a Swedish twin cohort23 of 12,000 children heritability of between 49% and 72% was reported for autistic-like traits (social impairment, communication impairment and restricted and repetitive behavior and interests).

Before twin studies showed merely minimal not-shared environmental contribution to liability to ASD. The California twin study, in dissimilarity, suggested substantial shared ecology influences. The large family unit information in our report indicated that such influences accept only a negligible event on ASD etiology. Despite differences in shared maternal prenatal surround, dizygotic twins and full siblings and maternal half siblings and paternal half siblings had comparable risks for ASD. In the presence of a familial confounding, factors effecting all members of a family, the RR is expected to be lower for the dizygotic twin compared with total siblings and for the maternal half-siblings compared with the paternal one-half-siblings. The interpretation of the RR of autism can be done in a wider context by comparing with the RR of schizophrenia, another neurodevelopmental illness that affect individuals afterwards in life than does autism, with earlier overlap in diagnosis and with shared clinical an etiological features24. In a sample overlapping with the parents and grandparents of our study the RR was estimated to 8.5 for full siblings, 2.5 for half siblings and ii.3 for cousins25.

The differences visa-vi before research may be attributed to sampling, case ascertainment and analytic approach. Our study used a population based sample continuously post-obit participants from nascence. Previous twin studies relied on considerably less robust methodologies for case observation, including self-referral, service registers, and parental reports on diagnosis. Even when detailed diagnostic assessment was done the participation rates were depression and information technology could not be ruled out that participation was associated with presence of an autistic child in the family2, limiting generalizability. We adjusted for birth cohorts, addressing biases due to differences in length of follow-up with report participants in different birth years26. It is unclear how this was addressed and effected previous studies. We believe the issue of such a bias could inflate the shared surroundings component. Our low precision in RR for MZ and DZ twins illustrate well the trouble in before pocket-size sized twin studies.

Factors effecting the variance for non-shared environment includes a misclassification of cases. This could possibly exist due to differences in etiology beyond the different forms of ASD symptoms. Our data do not support this though as our results for the liability of ASD and AD were substantially the same.

The RR between different pairs of family unit members reflects the genetic influences on the trait and offers a quantitative measure of familial chance. Thus, the RR has an important estimation which distinguishes information technology from the more theoretical measures of heritability. For example while genetic factors business relationship for 50% of individual differences in liability to ASD, a sibling of a proband with ASD who shares fifty% of the genes has a 10-fold increase in risk. This tin potentially be applied at an individual level for family unit counseling.

Just few before studies accept had the possibility to calculate the RReight,27,28. Two studies are presenting self-selected samples8,28 and with express family unit information. A recent Danish report provide reliable estimates using an excellent epidemiological sample similar to ours. They testify lower RR, RR=7.five for full siblings but with similar relative relation between full siblings and maternal and paternal half-siblings. Our sample include twice as many cases of ASD and more than detailed family data including monozygotic and dizygotic twins and cousins. Our bigger sample also allowed the states to investigate sexual activity of offspring in some more detail. Several earlier studies take reported absolute sibling recurrence risk28–34 merely absolute hazard is a cumulative measure which depends on the length of follow upwards (higher at age 15 years than at historic period 5 year) and will differ between populations. Equally elsewhere in epidemiology, where the relative risk is a preferred measure of illness risk, the RR circumvent these limitations.

This written report has multiple strengths including the large, total-nation population-based sample with prospective follow-up and a health system with equal access. In addition to sibling pairs we were also able to include cousins and twins including zygosity information and to conform for parental psychiatric history. To estimate the RR we used fourth dimension-to-upshot methods to avoid introduction of bias due to differences in follow-up fourth dimension for different participants. Analyzing risk between siblings and not requiring the risk to act from an older to a younger sibling as oft washed will also adjust for potential bias due to changes in prevalence of autism in subsequently years where later born siblings may be expected to have a higher risk of existence diagnosed.

Our cohort approach with prospective follow-upwards, following all participants from birth using clinical registers, avoid pick-biases due to affliction status or factors such as parental teaching. It also avoid problems associated with self-reports and retrospective drove of information.

Limitations include lack of data on parental teaching or socioeconomic status. In Sweden there is free and equal access to health services minimizing the risk of option biases. There is a well documented gender bias in autism35, and it has been suggested that females may require greater familial etiologic load to manifest the autistic phenotype36. We did not detect support for any sexual activity specific differences in the RR.


Among children born in Sweden, heritability of ASD and AD were estimated to be approximately 50%. For an individual, the risk of autism is increased 10 fold if a full sibling has the diagnosis and about 2 fold if a cousin has the diagnosis. These findings may inform counseling families with affected children.

Supplementary Textile

Appendix A & B

eTable 1. ASD. Tetrachoric correlations (SD). Correlations of ASD diagnosis (yes/no) betwixt sibling pairs in the different family relations.

eTable 2. AD. Tetrachoric correlations (SD). Correlations of Advertisement diagnosis (yes/no) between sibling pairs in the different family relations.

eTable three. Crude (no adjustment for confounding) recurrence risk (RR) and two-sided 95% confidence intervals

eTable 4. Codes by the International used for the psychiatric history

eTable five. Sensitivity analysis. Relative recurrence risk (RR) for ASD and 2-sided 95% confidence intervals (CI) by family unit size. Full siblings only.

eTable 6. Person years and rate (cases per 100,000 person years) for ASD amid MZ and DZ twins, full siblings and maternal- and paternal- half siblings and cousins and in sub-groups of birth year (1982–86, 87–91, 92–96, 97–2001–86, 87–91, 92–96, 97–2002–06) and gender among full siblings.

eTable seven. Person years and rate (cases per 100,000 person years) for Autistic Disorder (Advertizing) amid MZ and DZ twins, full siblings and maternal- and paternal- one-half siblings and cousins and in sub-groups of birth year (1982–86, 87–91, 92–96, 97–2001–86, 87–91, 92–96, 97–2002–06) and gender among full siblings.


This study was supported, in function, by grants from the National Institutes of Wellness (NIH) (HICHD/NIEHS/NINDS-HD073978 and NIMH-MH097849 ) and past the Beatrice and Samuel A. Seaver Foundation. The funding sponsors had no role in the design and bear of the study; collection, direction, analysis, and estimation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.


There is no disharmonize of interest for any of the authors.

Sven Sandin, had total access to all the data in the study and takes responsibleness for the integrity of the information and the accurateness of the data analysis.


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