Client Reviews

Perky-Pet Squirrel-Be-Gone Wild Bird Feeder

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Perky-Pet Squirrel-Be-Gone Wild Bird Feeder

Perky-Pet Squirrel-Exist-Gone Wild Bird Feeder

  • No squirrels

    By Betty on April 14, 2022

    This is the only birdfeeder I have e'er had that the squirrels cannot go into if hung properly. The feeder must be abroad from anything on which a squirrel could stand up. Free hanging works. They tin can still become to the seeds but information technology is so much work they don't attempt. I love it!

  • Feeder that can be adapted to keep bigger birds and squirrels out

    Past tutu on Mar 25, 2022

    I bought this from Chewy a piddling while ago. No issues with bigger birds or squirrels Withal...major trouble with rain storms. The rain goes into the feeder and the nutrient is almost impossible to move in it. And information technology didn't come up with instructions nearly how to arrange the springs to make information technology less apt I bought this from Chewy a piffling while agone. No bug with bigger birds or squirrels Nonetheless...major trouble with rain storms. The rain goes into the feeder and the food is almost incommunicable to move in information technology. And information technology didn't come with instructions virtually how to accommodate the springs to make information technology less apt to permit heavier critters consume from it. … more